September 28

by Lisa Stringer  |  September 28, 2015

We returned late last night from Charlotte, where Doug helped facilitate The Response North Carolina. What ablessing to hear from so many who, with tears in their eyes, shared of all God did through this prayer gathering. Tomorrow, September 29, we will go to MDA to receive our last scheduled chemo treatment.

It is hard to describe the mixed emotions we are experiencing. The Stringer family will leave our home sometime after 7am and spend the day with pre-exams and doctor visits, then ending up in one of the chemo infusion hospital rooms.

We are believing for God’s grace to beon Doug as in times past, because our intention is to leave MDA sometime before 6pm and drive up to Grace Community Church for their 7pm midweek prayer service. Pastor Steve has been preaching on the power of God; Doug’s intent is to continue along the same line. There is power in the name of Jesus. Only God can allow a man to have completed six chemo treatments and leave the hospital bed to go share of His goodness immediately after treatment. We are believing for an incredible time in His presence and worship that will move His heart.