40 for 40!

Dear TPMI Family,

It was 40 years ago, while I was in the fitness business, that I had an encounter with God that changed the trajectory of my life. And what a journey the Lord had in store for me!

I am both honored and humbled at all the Lord has allowed me to do personally, but even more so because of the lives that have been impacted and changed throughout the history of the ministry. Soon after that encounter, we would see the birth of what became Turning Point Ministries Inc. (then later became Turning Point Ministries International), and a few years later we would see the development of Somebody Cares America/International, with affiliates, partners, chapters, and centers across the nation and around the world. So much has been accomplished, yet so much remains to be done.

One couple, who have been part of our ministry for many years, has offered a $40,000 matching challenge gift in honor of the anniversary of my 40 years of serving in ministry. Like many of you, they believe in the work of TPMI because they have personally benefited from the growth in their own spiritual walk and they have witnessed transformation in the lives of others, as well. They titled their challenge gift, “40 for 40.”

As you may know, the number 40 in the Bible often signifies a period of testing or being tried. After 40 years in the wilderness, the Children of Israel entered the Promised Land. After 40 days of fasting and temptation, Jesus entered into the fullness of His ministry. And while I have seen God work in and through the ministries these last 40 years, I believe He has positioned us for even greater things in the days ahead.

In the midst of the global challenges facing the world and the Church today, we sense our nation and the world are on the verge of a mighty outpouring and harvest. God is positioning us for a new wave of evangelism and discipleship—all founded on prayer, clothed in compassion, reaching out in times of crises and disaster, while we train and lift up other leaders to do the same.

In order to do that, I believe God wants to multiply this matching challenge gift into a double or even triple portion of blessing for each ministry I steward by October 2021. If we are to expand our reach to a world in need with the message of God’s grace and redemption, we also need an expansion of resources. God has recently brought to our attention Isaiah 61:7, which promises a double portion inheritance. This double portion is given so God can be glorified through His people.

Will you prayerfully consider what part God is asking you to play in meeting this double portion challenge?

As I often say, obedience is the highest form of worship. Whether God asks you to give a large or small amount, or simply to pray, we know God will honor the obedience of your heart in ways you cannot measure.

To join the matching challenge with a gift to TPMI, make your donation HERE.

Thank you for caring!

Doug Stringer


New Year’s Day Message 2018: A Season to Re-group, Re-focus, and Restore the Altar of Worship

by Doug Stringer  |  January 4, 2018

A New Year’s Perspective: Regardless of what you have been through, remember you cannot change the past but the choices you make each day defines your future.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
(Hebrews 11:1 KJV)

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see.”
(Hebrews 11:1 NET)

Keep your Vision of Hope! Fix your eyes on the Lord, the author and finisher of your faith.
(Hebrews 12:2)

It’s crazy how I sometimes get spiritual messages while in the middle of just doing life and a gym workout: Work Hard (remain diligent. steadfast, and consistent); Don’t Stop (don’t
quit or give up); Dream Bigger (deeper in consecration and higher in expectation
in the Lord). Yep!

We have all experienced a plethora of emotions with the national and global happenings
that have impacted us all personally. We have seen more devastating earthquakes, tsunamis, out of control fires, tornadoes, and floods; add to that economic uncertainties
and political unrest in many places. It can be a bit overwhelming and, for some, a burden
too much to bear.

Yet, in the midst of the challenges, we are constantly reminded of the faithfulness and goodness of the Lord. I am reminded that God has a greater plan and purpose for each of us. When Solomon was dedicating the magnificent temple, he prayed to the Lord and said, “Let Your Word come true.” Jesus, told His disciples to pray, “…Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

May we be reminded as we leave the past and move to the future that God is faithful and
that His Word would come true over you and your family; in other words, that His promises
and purposes for you would come true and His Kingdom come in your life, your family, and
for us corporately.

It’s amazing how much better we can see when we take a moment to pause, take a deep breath, pull aside, and get our focus. There are far too many external stresses and spiritual noise pollutants that can become distractions from our destinations. The world around us gets clouded at times. We need spiritual clarity and Holy Spirit headlights to get us through the fog.

This coming year, may we all restore the Altar of Worship and find the Whoa, the Wow, and the Get Up & Go of God. In His Presence we get refreshed, re-focused, and re-fired.

When trials or challenges come our way, remember that God has not forgotten you and
that His Word is True…in your life as it is in heaven.

Reconciliation Week Houston Events

Reconciliation Week Houston Events

July 27, 2017

Plan now to join us in prayer for a Church united, August 6-11. In Houston, we are offering several opportunities to participate:

August 6-11: Accept our Facebook Event Invitation to receive daily prayers

Wednesday, August 9, 7pm: Doug Stringer will be joined by BIshop Harry Jackson to lead a special prayer service at Grace Church South

Thursday, August 10, 10am-12noon: Somebody Cares Houston Pastors & Leaders Meeting with Doug, Bishop Jackson, and Pastor Wallace Henley, Houston Baptist University. RSVP here.

Friday, August 11, 7pm: The Lyons Dream. We honor Bishop Roy Kossie as a prophetic act of reconciliation in Houston’s Fifth Ward at Latter Day Deliverance Revival Church. RSVP here.

Step Into The Dream!

July 19, 2017

Bishop Roy Kossie, a spiritual father and pioneer, a hero and champion, turned 85 on July 4. On August 11, we will gather to honor Bishop Kossie, also known as the Lion of Lyons Avenue, and to Re-dig the Wells for Revival in Houston’s Fifth Ward.

This event, called The Lyons Dream, will mark the end of Reconciliation Week, a nation-wide call for the Church to join us in daily united prayers of reconciliation followed by tangibles expressions of Jesus.

We who have been reconciled to God through Christ have now been given the ministry of reconciliation. The Heart Awakened Church can become united and bring healing and hope to a nation divided.

Make plans to join us!

RSVP here for the Lyons Dream, August 11, Latter Day Deliverance Bible Church in Houston

RSVP here to receive daily prayers for Reconciliation Week

Read more on the history Somebody Cares, Bishop Kossie, and The Lyons Dream; click here to view the Digging the Wells of Revival video from 1991.

Leadership Awakening makes an impact!

June 8, 2017

Rave reviews continue to pour in for Leadership Awakening, Doug Stringer’s latest book. Pat Williams, General Manager of the Orlando Magic, wrote: “LEADERSHIP AWAKENING is a wonderful new contribution to the field of leadership success. I gained great insights from reading the book; you will, too.”

Businessman John Beckett, who wrote Loving Monday and Mastering Monday, said: “Just when I wondered if anything new could be written on leadership, Doug Stringer stepped forward. Think of Leadership Awakening as 25 power-packed vignettes, each rich in practical counsel, each worthy of deep reflection. This book is designed to help you finish strong. It masterfully achieves that goal.”

Doug has received invitations from ministers and business owners to teach on the topic to their staffs, and 26 leaders from ministry and the marketplace joined Doug and Tom Phillips from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association for a three-day Leadership Awakening intensive at The Cove in Asheville, N.C. A ministry friend took books on a recent trip to Cambodia, where he says a group of leaders there was very blessed to receive them. In March, copies were distributed to all 181 Texas state legislators.

Sales remain steady, too, as the Amazon.com Kindle version was ranked at 105 out of thousands of books in mid-May, and the hardcover copy has made it no. 124 in the rankings.

To get your copy of Leadership Awakening, visit Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, or SomebodyCares.org.

50K Matching Gift Announced!

by Doug Stringer  |  February 25, 2017

A young couple that is a faithful ministry partner felt led to give a sacrificial gift of $50,000 with anonymity as a Matching Challenge Gift from the sale of their home. With tears, they shared with Lisa and me that they really sensed how important all the ministries of Somebody Cares and TPMI are at this critical juncture in the world. We were stunned and humbled by their sacrifice and loving gesture! They themselves are involved in so much, have a young family, and are in ministry transitions. This truly is a sacrificial and amazing gesture of love and faith!

Every dollar given by March 17–up to $50,000–will be matched 1 to 1! This is a great opportunity to leverage the impact of our ministry to bring healing, hope, and reconciliation to communities across the nation and around the world at a time when the Church needs to be a plumb line of righteousness and mercy.

Click here now to double your donation, or you can send a check to: PO Box 925489, Houston, TX   77292.

Please prayerfully consider supporting these important ministry efforts by helping us reach or exceed this matching challenge!

As we become a mended net and are part of something so much bigger than ourselves, we will see God do amazing things in and through us!

A Word For 2017

by Doug Stringer  |  February 9, 2017

November 2, 2016, was the day of the seventh game of the World Series and I was ministering at Woods Edge Church in The Woodlands, Texas, at the request of my friend, Pastor Jeff Wells. Throughout the audience, I could see people expressing their team choice by wearing either Chicago Cubs or Cleveland Indians shirts. As I got up to speak, I asked the crowd, “How many of you are Cubs fans?” Many enthusiastically responded in affirmation. I got a similar response when I asked, “How many of you are Indians fans?” Then I said, “Tomorrow, some of you are going to be celebrating because your team won the championship. Some of you will be sad and disappointed that your team did not. But at the end of the day, no matter who wins or who loses, you’ll still be Christians. You will still be members of the body of Christ, and you will still be part of the Church.”

I went on, “In a few days the Presidential election will occur, and many of us may have different political preferences. And at the end of the day, some of us will celebrate and some will be disappointed. But we must remember that our hope is not in the institutions of man, nor in a candidate or political party. Our hope is in the hope of glory, Christ Jesus. When the election is over, we will still be Christians and, as such, should reflect Christ even in our differences. Will we still be Christlike and love those who may disagree with us?”

A Return to Civility & Character 
One of the biggest challenges in our society today is the lack of civility and character we display in our disagreements—even in the Church. I’ve never seen so many people who are so adamant and opinionated—politically and otherwise—that they allow their preferences divide their families, their friendships, and even their churches. It’s painful and heartbreaking, especially from those representing Christ, on both sides of the political preference spectrum.
The only unshakable kingdom is the Kingdom of the Lord, and we the Church must still love each other in our disagreements if we are to help others find their place in the Kingdom. John 13:35 says, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” How can we lead others to a relationship with God if we can’t get past our own differences?

A Church United For a Nation Divided
In Mark 10:9, we see Jesus teach, “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” This passage applies to the context of marriage, but it is clear that God is the one who also brings the Church together; woe unto the man or woman who causes dissension and separation in the Church. Proverbs 6:19 lists one who sows discord among brethren as one of seven things God despises.

We must walk in Christlikeness, crossing racial, denominational, and political barriers to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We need to love with the love of Christ; it’s the only way we can help others find hope in Christ.
Only a Church united can bring hope and healing to a nation divided!

A New Season
Around each New Year, I always spend time seeking the Lord, away from media and other distractions, to really listen and process what He seems to be saying for the next season. And we have definitely entered into an interesting season.

Last year, I sensed 2016 would be a time of reenergizing, refocusing, and recalibrating, and I believe that season is not over yet. In fact, I believe it is needed now more than ever.

I believe God continues to say to His Church:

1. Stay Low: Keep a posture of humility.

2. Draw Near: Stay close to His presence. When we’re permeated by His presence, the hope of glory, Christ Jesus, becomes a part of us, and the power of God in us can work through us.

3. Incline Our Ears to Hear: When that moment comes and the Spirit of the Lord speaks, we must obey and move quickly.

In Isaiah 43:1 we read this wonderful message: “But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel, ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.’”

What more do we need? Every decision, every direction, and every circumstance that we may go through—be it difficult or great, challenging or victorious—the Lord Jesus Christ is the hope of glory in us. No matter what, we know He’s with us, He’s engraved us and inscribed us on His hands. We belong to Him, and His power dwells in us. There’s nothing to fear when we recognize His commission and His anointing.

A Deep Work in Our Hearts
We need to be a people seeking consecration, asking and believing in faith for Him to do a work in us and get the rubbish out of our hearts. We must be sure to have proper perspectives; keep proper perceptions; be in proper alignments, agreements, and associations; and keep right attitudes.

And after we’ve allowed Him to do a deep work in our hearts, sowing seeds of faith through simple obedience, He will pour out His rain and water the seed. We need to draw from the well that never runs dry, because it comes from a source of water—Living Water—that never ceases.

Let’s stay in prayer and fix our eyes on the Lord. As in the days of Esther, God can hear our prayers and expose the works of darkness and the evil intent of Haman. The Lord can turn what has been meant for harm and turn it to our good.

Psalm 61 reminds us that when our hearts are overwhelmed, we should be led to the Rock that is higher than us. From the shoulders of the Lord, we can see with a different perspective. The Lord is still bigger than any disparaging voices or giants in the land. Let us not be discouraged or disillusioned, lest we become distracted from our destination and our primary calling. This calling is to be the good news, bring the good news, and broadcast the good news of the Gospel.

Be, Bring & Broadcast the Good News!
Be, bring, and broadcast the Gospel! Gospel means good news. With all the negative news we hear daily, may we be the bearers of good news! If we as the Church are going to see lasting impact in our generation, then we must be the tangible expression of the Gospel, be willing to bring the gospel of good news to so many who desperately need it, and passionately broadcast and proclaim good news in and through our lives. We need good news in a world of bad news. Be it, bring it, and broadcast it by the way you reflect and represent the Lord in your life.

I want to give this special note to church shepherds and Christians who are called to be ambassadors for Christ: Rather than fall into the trap of venting our personal divisive opinions, shouldn’t we be cognizant of the need to unite the Church and help bring healing?

At the end of the day, we are to be Christlike even in our disagreements and our public discourse. Maybe Solomon’s wisdom would be helpful. Who are those who really care about the baby (flock) versus those who would rather cut the baby in half just to win the argument? We all need God’s grace. Let’s not miss our moments of opportunity to reflect Christ even when we disagree.

The world is watching. Even more is the One watching who called us into the ministry. Be the Gospel!

Lift Jesus higher, lift Jesus higher—for all the world to see! Let our (the Church’s) light shine, that people may see our good (tangible) works in such a way that it brings glory to our Father in Heaven.

May this be a year when we the Church find unity in our diversity, so we can be a plumb line of healing and hope within a culture of division.

Copyright Doug Stringer, February 2017

Join us as we celebrate Doug’s 60th birthday!

September 29, 2016

It’s hard to believe, but Doug Stringer, founder of TPMI and friend to many, will be 60 in just a few weeks. As a valuable ministry partner and friend, we invite you to join in the celebration!
Would you prayerfully consider:
  • Praying for 60 secondsthat’s 1 minute, for Doug, his family, and the
    ministry each day from now through his birthday, October 17th. Your

    on-going prayers are of course welcomed!

  • Sowing a special donation of $60 dollars or a multiple of $60:
    $120        $180        $360        $600       or other
    Click here to make your donation, or use the button at the bottom of the page. Or, you can send us your gift by mail:

         PO BOX 925489
         Houston TX 77292

  • Pledging a monthly sustaining gift of $60 per month for the nextyear.  Please email Alissa at the TPMI office to set up your monthly gift.

You continue to take the message of Consecration, Commitment, and Action

“From Houston, Texas to the Four Corners of the World” through the preaching and teaching ministry.  Likewise, you continue to sow into every life reached from the national and global outreach ministry of Somebody Cares. Would you partner with Doug once again? 

Along with Doug’s newly released book, Leadership Awakening, he will hostLeadership Awakening Intensives in 2017.  

Your contributions will facilitate curriculum and ministry support for these initiatives


Thank you for being a part of sowing into each life reached with the transforming message. May we experience a spiritual renewal and awakening across the land.
Your fellow servants,
The Turning Point Board, Staff and Friends

Cleveland Responds

“Our country needs this.”

This sentiment was communicated in various ways throughout the day on July 16 by volunteers, participants, and attendees who were all part of The Response USA, held at the Wolstein Center in downtown Cleveland. Thousands gathered as the church across Ohio crossed racial, denominational, and generational lines for a full day of worship, prayers of repentance, and intercession for our nation.

Doug Stringer coordinated the gathering, along with a core team of volunteers and ministry leaders affiliated with TPMI and Somebody Cares. He reiterated that the day was not about political agendas or preachers coming to pontificate. Instead, the only name lifted up from the stage was the name of Jesus.

“We are a nation at a crossroads,” Doug said. “Now more than ever the Church needs to be a plumb line not only of righteousness and truth, but of healing and hope.”

A Significant Time & Location

This was the first Response that was not called and hosted by a state governor, as happened in Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Florida. Yet leaders saw God’s hand in opening doors for the event to happen only days before Cleveland hosted the Republican National Convention, and in the days of unrest across the country following shootings of African American men in Louisiana and Minneapolis; terrorist acts in Orlando and throughout Europe; and a sniper taking the lives of five police officers in Dallas. A nervous tension could be felt as law enforcement officers from across the state moved into the city and began blocking streets and securing entire city blocks.

But inside the Wolstein Center, believers from a diverse cross section of the church—“a coat of many colors”—prayed for peace and cried tears of repentance on behalf of our nation’s racial divides. Prayers went up on behalf of innocent blood that has been shed through senseless violence as well as abortion; for families to be healed; for honor and blessing between the generations; and for the church to be a conduit of reformation in all areas of our society.

“The presence of God is already here,” observed Pastor Carlton Smith during the pre-event worship time.  He continued: “Cleveland is the most segregated city in the nation. This is a key time for us.”
Pastor Brondon Mathis from Columbus said, “We are in a time of transition from John’s ministry of preparation to Jesus’ ministry of manifestation.”

Interestingly, Ohio is the only state with a Bible scripture for its motto, “With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).


A volunteer serving backstage told us how he and five other men—some of them from other states—had been praying for The Response every Monday at 5:30am since January. During that time they saw God answer many personal prayers and had great anticipation that He would now hear their corporate prayers.

In the holding room, platform participants prayed and worshipped while they waited, said volunteer Marlene Yeo from Somebody Cares New England. “Peace and joy ruled the day!” she said. “We made sure we participated with what was happening on the platform to stay connected with what was happening. Everyone worshiped and prayed…it was beautiful!”

“This whole event is a prayer answered,” said platform participant Rick Chelko. “The Lord will not listen to our prayers until we are repenting.”

Jody Trautwein drove 11 hours through four states to be part of this catalytic time of prayer. “I have two children, and I’m fearful for the world they will grow up in,” he said. “When they’re older, I don’t want them to look back at the things that are happening in our world today and say, ‘Daddy, what did you do about it?’”

“We are in a heightened state of spiritual warfare,” Dr. C. Jay Matthews, senior pastor of Mt. Sinai Ministries, a multi-generational church in Cleveland. Dr. Matthews is committed to investing in the younger generations, telling them, “The sooner you ‘get it,’ the longer you get to use it.”


Dana Gammil and his son helped lead The Response prayer time for generational healing, but he also shared a powerful personal testimony with us while he was

When Dana’s daughter Allison was pregnant, she received a prophetic word that her baby would be born on a day when the Lord would usher in a new revival for the new generation. Her baby was born on April 9, the same day Azusa Now was held in Los Angeles and UnitedCry 2016 was held in Washington D.C. Doug Stringer was among those leading prayer at UnitedCry, and others from The Response Team attended the Azusa celebration.

A few doors down, Allison knew a woman whose baby’s heart had stopped beating three days earlier and would be stillborn. As Allison, her husband, and her parents prayed and interceded, she sensed the Lord saying the baby’s life would be restored as the baby was lying on the mother’s chest. When the baby was born that day at 11:59pm, the medical personnel cleaned the child up and placed the lifeless body on its mother’s chest. Just as Allison had heard, the baby began to breathe and is alive and healthy today.

Dana believes God gave two promises that day: first, through the sign of a new revival with the birth of his granddaughter; then a message that the Church would be revived as we press in to Him. The Response, he believes, is a significant part of what God is doing.


“A church united can heal the soul of a nation divided,” Doug Stringer said in a pre-Response interview.
Reports coming out of Cleveland in the week that followed The Response seemed to confirm this statement, as the violence, arrests, and illegal activities turned out to be incredibly less than anticipated.

Joseph and Renee Horevay pastor a network of house churches in Cleveland. They were helping coordinate Hope is Here–a street outreach bringing in prayer and evangelism teams from all over the U.S. during the week of the Republican National Convention–when they heard about The Response. They incorporated The Response as a kick-off to the week, and sent this report to Doug at the close of the Republican National Convention:

“The police department added 200 beds to the local county jail but only  made 25 arrests. It was amazing. Over 2800 police officers came in from 22 states and there were no casualties…Some bars had 4am approval but closed by 1am due to low business. Strip clubs had very low attendance; owners were expecting great surge in their business…Sar Shalom [The Prince of Peace] heard the prayers and praise of the saints.”

As one of The Response worship leaders had observed at the conclusion of the event: “What an amazing day in Cleveland with The Response team from Houston, TX, coming all the way here to help us host SIX hours of fasting, worship and prayer, and seeking the Lord for healing in our land! So much unity, so much breakthrough, and so much more to come in the days ahead! Ohio will never be the same!”

Houston’s Prayer Mountain: Were You There?

June 29, 2016

This November-December will mark 20 years since we held Prayer Mountain, a time when the Church of Houston set aside racial, denominational, and generational differences to lift up the name of Jesus through 40 days of prayer and worship. We saw many miracles happen during that time, from changed hearts to healed bodies to mended relationships. If you were a part of Prayer Mountain, use the comments section below to tell us how it impacted your life!

Obedience vs. Freedom, Responsibility vs. Performance

by Mike Fitzpatrick  |  July 28, 2017

Generally, there are two errors people fall into regarding their relationship with God: a perverted freedom or a perverted obedience. Both are exemplified in the story of the prodigal son. A lot of times we forget there are two brothers in the story, and they are both in error. They are both broken and incomplete because they don’t understand the love of God.

Of course we remember the prodigal son, who takes his inheritance and spends it in wild living. This is a perversion of the freedom that we should find in our relationship with God. He thought he was free in his self-expression. But he ends up in the muck with the pigs, where everyone who heads down that path ends up eventually. That’s the way it is with the flesh and Satan. They offer an imitation of the real, promising pleasure and freedom but instead deliver discontent and bondage.

We also have the older brother who dutifully carried out all his responsibilities. But when he saw his father’s generosity and mercy toward the younger son, he complained that the father never gave him anything. So what was wrong with the older brother? He was doing what he was supposed to do, but he did it with the wrong motive, which in the final analysis makes it wrong. This brother was trying to gain the father’s love through his works. This a perversion of the obedience that we should find in our relationship with God.

In a healthy relationship with God, we have a proper understanding and implementation of freedom and obedience. When we pervert these, we either end up with the pigs or embittered. There are many in the Church who are the older brother and don’t know it. They go to church whenever the doors are open. They don’t smoke, drink, cuss, dance (or whatever combination their group bans). They may even be involved in religious activity (witnessing, praying, leading a Bible study). All that stuff’s good, right? Well, if they’re doing it because they want to stay “inside the box” to make sure God loves and accepts them, then it’s insidiously WRONG and over time they will break! I think that’s why most preacher’s kids break at some time. The emphasis is so much on performance that the acceptance and love of God gets lost.

Let’s look in this story at the father’s response to each of the sons.

He knew the son who ran off would experience pain and heartache because of his actions. But he let him go anyway, because that’s what love does. Then every day he looked down the road for the son’s return; he knew the consequences of that lifestyle choice will be disastrous, and he hoped the son would return home. When the son did return home in realization of his sin and in repentance, the father gladly received him again.

How about the son who stayed? He basically said to his father, “I’ve been working and working but haven’t gotten anything from you.” The father had to remind him that everything the father had was already his. He could have had a young goat to celebrate with his friends at any time, but he didn’t ask. The brother was so focused on performing and earning approval that he needed to be reminded everything he was looking for was already his. It’s very easy for people who are faithful in church and involved in ministry to get so focused on the mechanics of making everything work that they forget the promises and relationship of the Father.

Responsibility vs. Performance. They look the same in implementation, but the motivation behind them is totally different. If you’re responsible, you are doing what you are. If you are performing, you are doing so that you can become. God doesn’t want performing. It’s very unhealthy.

Mike Fitzpatrick is a worship leader, a board member for TPMI, and a former NASA Space Shuttle flight coordinator


Do THIS In Remembrance…

by Cindy Melenric  |  March 9, 2017

“And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.’ ” (Luke 22:19)

Jesus was partaking in what is known as the Last Supper. The disciples were having their final meal with the Lord (unbeknownst to them). And in prayer, Jesus lifted the bread and the cup and gave thanks. Then told His disciples, “Do this in remembrance of me.”

Throughout my life I was taught and understood that Jesus was commanding His disciples to do what we now call “communion” together. And rightly so. Jesus set the example for us to follow in His steps. But I’ve discovered I overlooked something here. When Jesus said to “DO THIS in remembrance of Me,”  was he just talking about communion?

If you look at the first part of the verse, He told us, “This is My body given for you…”  What does communion represent? It is not just the act of sharing bread and wine together, it is an act representing what He did afterward. His body is represented by the bread, His blood represented by the wine. He gave Himself over to be crucified, to be put to death for the remission of our sins. His body was broken and His blood was poured out for us (verse 20).

So when the Lord commanded us, “Do this in remembrance of Me,” I don’t believe it was just the act of communion He was speaking about. We must do what it represents as well. We are to give our lives for the Lord’s sake, for His Kingdom, as a witness to testify of who Jesus is.

Jesus said in Mark 8:34, “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.”  We are to die to self, we are to live for Him. Paul said, “I die daily” (1 Corinthians15:31), meaning he died to his fleshly desires. We must do the same. We must take up our cross, the painful cross, the heavy cross of life, and follow in His steps.

Communion is symbolic of Jesus offering His body and blood as a sacrifice on the Cross. Jesus commands us to do the same. We are not just to remember what He did for us, we are to DO it as well. We are to give of ourselves sacrificially and lay down our lives for Him, in response to His great love for us. This, my friends, is what we are to DO!

Words Hurt

by John Ojeda  |  June 27, 2016


The old saying goes, “Sticks and stones may break bones but words will never hurt me.” Uh, yeah…they do!

In school I was a stoner and a bit of a bully. I didn’t mean to be, but I just didn’t care much. If you didn’t hang with me getting high, I was not very nice. I was going through life’s stuff, and I dealt with it by doing a lot of drugs; everyone else was either with me or against me.

Fast forward 30 years, and I am so sorry for those I pushed away or never gave a chance to become a friend. I know now that others were going through life’s stuff, too, and my words, my remarks did hurt.

So how do I fix it? Well, on July 16, 1988, I cleaned up off of drugs and alcohol. In 1995, I got involved in ministry. 

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. (Romans 12:1-5)

I can’t fix all of my hurtful past, but through Christ I can change my future. I am sorry for everyone I hurt. I am a changed man who loves people today.

Please remember people, sticks and stones can hurt but your tongue can kill.

Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21)

Click here to read John & Debbie Ojeda’s TPMI story!

Divine Hydraulics

by Mike May  |  August 4, 2016

For the land which you go to possess is not like the land of Egypt from which you have come, where you sowed your seed and watered it by foot, as a vegetable garden; but the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven, a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year. (Deuteronomy 11:10-12)

Divine Hydraulics is a phrase coined by George Otis Jr. and the Sentinel Group. It’s a phrase that has captured the imagination of my father-in-law and others as they contend for transformation in their communities. These hydraulics have been put on display in dramatic ways in various places throughout history. One of the occasions the effect of these divine hydraulics was seen was in 1949 on the remote Hebrides Islands off the west coast of Scotland. Concerned about the spiritual decline they were observing and looming oppressive cultural ideologies, a small group of saints began to press in to rediscover the ancient patterns that release the glory of heaven on earth in an unmistakably majestic way. These moves are marked by deep awareness of God’s holy presence and conviction of sin, leading to heartfelt repentance that leave lasting transformation in those communities sometimes for generations.

The idea of “divine hydraulics” is different from crusades and evangelism and other valuable approaches to outreach. These of course have their place and are very important. In situations where outreaches have been championed, seeds have been sown, yet the spiritual condition of the region remains headed toward lawlessness – this is the ideal climate for divine hydraulics. (Ps 119:126)

Fascinated by these types of moves of God, I have found myself on a journey to understand these ancient patterns or protocols that were revealed to these saints in their desire to see the kingdom of heaven manifest on earth as in heaven.

We’ve visited the Hebridean Islands, we have contended all night in prayer, we have also been part of Solemn assemblies like The Call and The Response USA that the Lord appears to be using to “teach us how to pray” and help us walk together as we understand and recover these ancient truths.

We were in Cleveland, Ohio, for the most recent Response on July 16. I shoot video of the events helping document the team’s preparation behind the scenes. We were staying in the Hilton Garden Hotel within walking distance of the Wolstein Center, the venue selected for the event. Due to some air conditioning issues we were moved to a meeting room called the Armington Room for our preparations and team meetings. The team gathered the Friday before the event to pray and cover final details.

I was certainly caught up in the prayer time. In three days. Cleveland was poised to be the scene of the Republican National Convention. Preparations to lockdown the city center were underway. It had been an interesting political cycle, with much concern regarding the candidates. On the news, racial unrest and violence against police officers was a constant theme, along with a brutal Islamic terrorist attack in Nice and a staged political coup in Turkey. I was glad to pray. There was a focus and intensity of agreement to the prayer time that dispensed the fragrance of Jesus into the atmosphere.

As we continued to pray, I was reflecting on this pursuit of “divine hydraulics” that many others and I have been on. Believing the Lord had “another arrow in his quiver,” as my father-in-law says, were we wasting our time chasing a revival fantasy? Or were we heading in the right direction?

The reason the Armington Room had this name was because it was the location of the Armington Crane, which was capable of lifting 15 tons. This historic crane, which had loaded electrical power transformers, was now preserved and its name plate embossed in gold. I was intrigued by our location and stirred by the agreement of the individuals I found myself praying with at that critical time. I asked the Lord if the 15-ton inscription had any significance and felt compelled to read Psalm 15, which speaks to the heart posture of those who are given access to the mountain of the Lord.

It is worth remembering that the Psalms are the prayer book of the scriptures. The five books of the Psalms are our prayer response to a conversation initiated by the Father in the five books of the Hebrew law (or Torah). Eugene Peterson calls prayer “technology” and the psalms “tools” — tools not so much for doing, but tools for becoming. Intentionally praying the Psalms, I have come to recently believe, is the key to us becoming or maturing into the people of God. The Psalms reveal the majesty of the voice of the Lord.

I started this blog quoting the verses from Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the law, where Moses is reminding the people that the land he is taking them into will be different from Egypt. It is a land of mountains and valleys, a land where they must understand and remain aware of their need of His partnership – divine hydraulics. Trying to do things like Egypt in this land will not have positive outcomes. If they want this holy assistance, they must understand they need to love Him and hold fast to Him by keeping his commandments “…for if you carefully keep all these commandments which I command you to do – to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, and to hold fast to Him – then the Lord will drive out all these nations from before you …” (Deuteronomy 11:22-23)

Deuteronomy 11 is a powerful chapter given to a nation poised to enter the promised land. God is in essence saying, “If you want access to Me and the divine hydraulics, you must love Me and hold fast to Me.” The words hold fast can be translated cleave. Here we sat, preparing for The Response in Cleveland under the Armington Crane, letting God know that we were not looking to a political party or candidate for the answers we needed. But we were humbly cleaving to Him.

Mike May is pastor of Pipeline Church, director of Somebody Cares Humble, and a member of TPMI’s Somebody Cares Houson network. He has produced numerous videos for Somebody Cares America and television specials for TPMI.

Vision, Perseverance & Destiny

by Randy Flinn  |  September 29, 2015


Destiny is an investment of time, sacrifice and much labor. In the book of Nehemiah, it says that the people assembled together for the duration of the work. It took a village to rebuild a city. It took servant hearted workers that also stood guard as soldiers. To achieve success and victory, they had to stand united, even when it seemed as if the odds were against them. It was imperative that they all took ownership for the completion of the journey.

Nehemiah was a strong leader, committed to the call and task; but he could never accomplish this alone. God called faithful ones to his side as dedicated co-laborers. This was not just Nehemiah’s vision and burden; it was God’s.

The enemies that surrounded them despised this “kingdom building work” – knowing that one day the Glory of the Lord would shine so powerfully from that place. These foes tried to discourage, disillusion and divide the team. Seems the Enemy knows that there is power in numbers when people remain on a given course that brings Light into the darkness. The Enemy will then seek for the dismantling.

Too many good and even great works are lost because people lose vision and leave their posts prematurely. To fortify even a significant work of God takes time and longevity to the service of corporate and communal building. A visionary without those who stand as pillars along their side will find their arms and their heart grow alone and weary, possibly even falling from the burnout.

Perhaps to be a flame, you must first learn to burn along with the fire or you may easily be extinguished when burning on your own. We need movements of the entire Body to make a greater impact and take more of the spaces needing to be claimed and restored. Isolated limbs have a beauty of their own; but they are stronger when attached to a core that is moving together as one.