September 30

by Lisa Stringer  |  September 30, 2015 Last night, Pastor Steve and Becky led us in communion prior to starting our last chemo treatment. They have been a great example of persevering through trials and adversities. May God bless them for all they have done to sow in...

September 28

September 28 by Lisa Stringer  |  September 28, 2015 We returned late last night from Charlotte, where Doug helped facilitate The Response North Carolina. What ablessing to hear from so many who, with tears in their eyes, shared of all God did through this prayer...

September 12

by Lisa Stringer  |  September 12, 2015 We arrived home late last night from our time of ministry in Dallas. Because it was September 11, security at the airport was heightened. Doug serves on the steering committee and honored to be one of the speakers at the...

August 18: No Sign of Cancer!

by Lisa Stringer  |  August 18, 2015 We met with our Dr. at MDA today to receive the results of the last PET Scan and blood work which was taken yesterday. The scan was done exactly half way through the treatment. About a week ago, Ashley had a dream that Daddy was...

August 4

by Lisa Stringer  |  August 4, 2015 Today was not different than other typical days in the Stringer home; it seems like not much slows Douglas down, including meds such as chemo, which are supposed to slow you down significantly. Doug is proof that prayer changes...

July 27

July 27 by Lisa Stringer  |  July 27, 2015 Doug has had a few opportunities to minster and has been full of energy while at the pulpit. We noticed that after he is done sharing, his voice is a tad hoarse and his body a bit worn. This will not stop him from sharing; he...

July 7

July 7 by Lisa Stringer  |  July 7, 2015 Tuesday, July 7, Doug completed round two of chemotherapy. We spent a full day and evening at MDA getting blood work done, meeting with his assigned oncologist, having the dressing and PICC line cap changed, and spent hours in...

July 5

July 5 by Lisa Stringer  |  July 5, 2015 Over the last few days Doug and I have noticed an increase in hair loss, a side effect we were told would happen rather quickly. In fact, I met an overcomer who beat cancer that told me she had lost all of her body hair,...

June 29

June 29 by Lisa Stringer  |  June 29, 2015 Doug has had the desire to get back to the gym for over three weeks now, and with all that has been taking place in our nation, he has been too busy to enjoy a workout. Today he was determined to make a comeback. His...

June 16

June 16 by Lisa Stringer  |  June 16, 2015 Yesterday we arrived in Houston quite tired, as we had only slept for a few hours, prior to catching an early flight from Washington, D.C. We were able to make it to our appointment at MDA on time for a PICC line to be placed...